Salute RSC


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What is the RSC Health app for?By downloading the Health RSC app you will find the health services available closest to you and those most suitable to solve your problem. The information is in Italian, Bulgarian and Romanian.Where are you?Do you need a medical check-up or a health service for you or for a person you know? Using the "Where are you?" Function, the app identifies the healthcare company of reference. By clicking on "View services" you can choose between the different areas of interest and identify the type of person in need of care (minors, foreign citizens, people with disabilities ...) or the type of service requested (reservations and information, health card and exemptions, vaccinations ...). What are you looking for?If you need a specific service, you can click on "What are you looking for?" to identify the person looking for the service and the specific service they need. Once you have made your choice, you can locate yourself to find the offices closest to you.InformationClick on the button with the letter "i" to get more information on the service you are selecting.If you are looking for a service in a location other than the one you are in, simply click on the "Search" button and type the address you want, so you will see all the options available in the chosen area.The projectThe RSC Health Project aims to promote strategies and tools for equity in access to health care for Roma, Sinti and Caminanti (RSC).The project is co-financed by the PON Inclusion 2014-2020, Axis 3: Systems and models of social intervention, Investment priorities: 9ii - The socio-economic integration of marginalized communities such as Roma. Specific objective 9.5 "Reduction of extreme marginality and inclusion interventions in favor of homeless people and Roma, Sinti and Caminanti populations (RSC) "- Action 9.5.3" Experimentation and development of health prevention and accessibility services ". The implementation of the project was entrusted by UNAR (beneficiary of the funding) to INMP.